Comandos adm Demonscape 508.

Link da postagem quem quiser fazer download dele todo completo :d

~Moderator Commands~
All of the Normal player commands and these.
::mcommands ::master ::pure ::cash ::modarmor ::modzone ::stafftrain ::purearmor
::mcommands2 ::addblackmark ::checkblackmark ::removeblackmark ::blackmark5
::blackmark6 ::blackmark7 ::blackmark8 ::blackmark9
That's all for now.. You can add more if you want.

~Administrator Commands~
All of the Normal and Moderator player Commands and these.
::pkskull ::pkskull2 ::pkskull3 ::pkskull4 ::pkskull5 ::pkskull6 ::pkskull7
::pkskull8 ::kick (username) ::pnpc (Npc Id) ::unpnpc ::anger ::void ::adminzone
::adminarmor ::bandosarmor ::xrichie ::ring ::logout
::armadylarmor ::master ::partyhats ::rares ::masks ::food ::npc (npc id)
::santa ::godswords ::hoods ::capes1 ::capes2 ::gloves ::bank
::pouches ::showinterface (interface id) ::gfx (gfx id) ::emote (emote id)
::tele (X-Coord) (Y-Coord) (Height) ::rebuildnpclist ::restorestats
::run ::spc ::emptyspecial ::coords ::teletome (username) ::teleto (username)
::dplate ::deathcape ::dclaws ::ban (username) ::unban (username)
::mute (username) ::unmute (username) ::maxsd ::maxrep ::jail (username)
::unjail (username) ::fullkc
That's all for now.. You can add more if you want.

~Owner Commands~
All of the Normal, Moderator, and Administrator Commands and these.
::givemod ::giveadmin ::demote ::getpass (username) ::alltome ::saveall ::bow
::gay ::gayall ::hailchris ::creepy ::maxcash (username) ::skull (username)
::skull2 (username) ::skull3 (username) ::skull4 (username) ::skull5 (username)
::skull6 (username) ::skull7 (username) ::skull8 (username) ::bgs (username)
::sgs (username) ::zgs (username) ::ags (username) ::ss (username)
::phat (username) ::phat2 (username) ::phat3 (username) ::phat4 (username)
::phat5 (username) ::phat6 (username) ::santa (username) ::void (username)
::godswords (username) ::fullphat (username) ::stop (username) ::trainuser (username)
::backuper ::clangame ::giveall (item id, amount), ::givemember (username)
::removemember (username) ::spam (username) ::killall ::bow ::owned ::asstag

3 de set. de 2012

Comandos adm Demonscape 508.

Link da postagem quem quiser fazer download dele todo completo :d

~Moderator Commands~
All of the Normal player commands and these.
::mcommands ::master ::pure ::cash ::modarmor ::modzone ::stafftrain ::purearmor
::mcommands2 ::addblackmark ::checkblackmark ::removeblackmark ::blackmark5
::blackmark6 ::blackmark7 ::blackmark8 ::blackmark9
That's all for now.. You can add more if you want.

~Administrator Commands~
All of the Normal and Moderator player Commands and these.
::pkskull ::pkskull2 ::pkskull3 ::pkskull4 ::pkskull5 ::pkskull6 ::pkskull7
::pkskull8 ::kick (username) ::pnpc (Npc Id) ::unpnpc ::anger ::void ::adminzone
::adminarmor ::bandosarmor ::xrichie ::ring ::logout
::armadylarmor ::master ::partyhats ::rares ::masks ::food ::npc (npc id)
::santa ::godswords ::hoods ::capes1 ::capes2 ::gloves ::bank
::pouches ::showinterface (interface id) ::gfx (gfx id) ::emote (emote id)
::tele (X-Coord) (Y-Coord) (Height) ::rebuildnpclist ::restorestats
::run ::spc ::emptyspecial ::coords ::teletome (username) ::teleto (username)
::dplate ::deathcape ::dclaws ::ban (username) ::unban (username)
::mute (username) ::unmute (username) ::maxsd ::maxrep ::jail (username)
::unjail (username) ::fullkc
That's all for now.. You can add more if you want.

~Owner Commands~
All of the Normal, Moderator, and Administrator Commands and these.
::givemod ::giveadmin ::demote ::getpass (username) ::alltome ::saveall ::bow
::gay ::gayall ::hailchris ::creepy ::maxcash (username) ::skull (username)
::skull2 (username) ::skull3 (username) ::skull4 (username) ::skull5 (username)
::skull6 (username) ::skull7 (username) ::skull8 (username) ::bgs (username)
::sgs (username) ::zgs (username) ::ags (username) ::ss (username)
::phat (username) ::phat2 (username) ::phat3 (username) ::phat4 (username)
::phat5 (username) ::phat6 (username) ::santa (username) ::void (username)
::godswords (username) ::fullphat (username) ::stop (username) ::trainuser (username)
::backuper ::clangame ::giveall (item id, amount), ::givemember (username)
::removemember (username) ::spam (username) ::killall ::bow ::owned ::asstag

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