Rune Server SB508

SB508, o melhor de partida habilidades fonte whitout anny codificado! (Exceto uma base de combate)
Esta fonte é baseada em uma fonte Palidino76 branco, com um monte de atualizações sobre.

~ Adicionado V2.7 fonte - Verificar atualizações para V2.7 -
~ Adicionado V2.7 vídeo

(Cliente) THE. RAR arquivo tem o HD e LD DO CLIENTE!
(Fonte) A. Arquivo RAR tem o pleno de origem!

V2.2 (redid video at all!)

~Bank Notes.
~Skillcapes emotes.
~welcome interface.
~split chat.
~food 100%.
~now die at 0HP, request face bug.
~noclip enable only for admin now.
~Now 99% trading, just need to add the P2 player items left on his inventory.

~HD support.
~Bank TAB!no more DC's like in V1, fixed everything.
~basic of bank all the inventory button in bank, just reload bank to see every items :P.
~re-added normal GFX to TEleport, no more Tele out..

~Removed Bank all, This was piece of shit .
~now when you die, this is perfect, no more request face.
~basic player combat.
~working specs.working SGS spec.
~basic range, will fix bugs.
~if you miss mapdata, this will tele you to varrock, and save the mapdata number to data/missed Mapdata.Txt.
~working perfect censor.
~working Shops.Not like bulby, like rs. (Doesn't un-Note items, Will Fix that on V2.3)
~Now max combat level is 138.
~cleaned Import in "" and "".
~working mute/unmute.Cant send pm's when you are muted.Added 1H cant be unmute during the 1H!
~now max bank item is 500 (thats was 1000), now you can bank 2 147 000 000 items.(thats was 999 999 999).

~Full fixed Specials attack, no more Slow draining
~re-did ITEMS.CFG, now reel bonus and examine!

~Correctly loading objects by region
~Repacked Trade, Shops...
~Cleaned everything
~New option handler
~New Npc dialogue handler

~Banned Users now load and Stop connection.
~Working IpBann now.
~Fixed SkillTab Menu.
~Added "Perfect" wildy ditch jumping.(Well, Fail jumping, But still work and do the emote)
~Added Wild level, "Level: 1, 2....."
~Fixed The BlockEmote on Player combat.Now Do the block emote.
Here the login When Flooders try to go on the server
This server is based on blank palidino76 source.
created by Str Str Str from --------------/--------------
This is a STARTER source only, no skill coded, only general things!
Source Version: V2.5
Starting server on port: 43594
[SERVER-PROTECT] Too much connections: (6 connections)
[SERVER-PROTECT] Banned user: g1
[SERVER-PROTECT] Banned user: g2
[SERVER-PROTECT] Banned user: g3
[SERVER-PROTECT] Banned user: g4
[SERVER-PROTECT] Banned user: g5
[SERVER-PROTECT] Banned user: g6
~Working full leveling up about 90%.(When you level, and click on flashing icon, this show new archievement(s)!) and we see the skill icon!
~Added the "bank all" button in bank.Now working.
~Removed Options clicking, wasn't used anyway.
~New wild interface, (like the rs one)
~Read a newspaper(item id = 11169) and read updates!

~Optionclicking is back!the reel reason i removed it on latest version is because i had probs whit npc dialogues.Now fixed!
~the Player class is cleaned.
~Added explorer emote.
~Added Home teleport.Wich is from Bulby, but i fixed it ^-^
~Fixed my objectoption1, I had some Crash whit the old one.
~Now, in quest tab, when we click on archievement diary button, this show them.And in the archievement diary tab, when we click on the quest button, this show them back.
~Working on/off aid option/chat effects and mouse.(check the vid.)

7 de mai. de 2010

Rune Server SB508

SB508, o melhor de partida habilidades fonte whitout anny codificado! (Exceto uma base de combate)
Esta fonte é baseada em uma fonte Palidino76 branco, com um monte de atualizações sobre.

~ Adicionado V2.7 fonte - Verificar atualizações para V2.7 -
~ Adicionado V2.7 vídeo

(Cliente) THE. RAR arquivo tem o HD e LD DO CLIENTE!
(Fonte) A. Arquivo RAR tem o pleno de origem!

V2.2 (redid video at all!)

~Bank Notes.
~Skillcapes emotes.
~welcome interface.
~split chat.
~food 100%.
~now die at 0HP, request face bug.
~noclip enable only for admin now.
~Now 99% trading, just need to add the P2 player items left on his inventory.

~HD support.
~Bank TAB!no more DC's like in V1, fixed everything.
~basic of bank all the inventory button in bank, just reload bank to see every items :P.
~re-added normal GFX to TEleport, no more Tele out..

~Removed Bank all, This was piece of shit .
~now when you die, this is perfect, no more request face.
~basic player combat.
~working specs.working SGS spec.
~basic range, will fix bugs.
~if you miss mapdata, this will tele you to varrock, and save the mapdata number to data/missed Mapdata.Txt.
~working perfect censor.
~working Shops.Not like bulby, like rs. (Doesn't un-Note items, Will Fix that on V2.3)
~Now max combat level is 138.
~cleaned Import in "" and "".
~working mute/unmute.Cant send pm's when you are muted.Added 1H cant be unmute during the 1H!
~now max bank item is 500 (thats was 1000), now you can bank 2 147 000 000 items.(thats was 999 999 999).

~Full fixed Specials attack, no more Slow draining
~re-did ITEMS.CFG, now reel bonus and examine!

~Correctly loading objects by region
~Repacked Trade, Shops...
~Cleaned everything
~New option handler
~New Npc dialogue handler

~Banned Users now load and Stop connection.
~Working IpBann now.
~Fixed SkillTab Menu.
~Added "Perfect" wildy ditch jumping.(Well, Fail jumping, But still work and do the emote)
~Added Wild level, "Level: 1, 2....."
~Fixed The BlockEmote on Player combat.Now Do the block emote.
Here the login When Flooders try to go on the server
This server is based on blank palidino76 source.
created by Str Str Str from --------------/--------------
This is a STARTER source only, no skill coded, only general things!
Source Version: V2.5
Starting server on port: 43594
[SERVER-PROTECT] Too much connections: (6 connections)
[SERVER-PROTECT] Banned user: g1
[SERVER-PROTECT] Banned user: g2
[SERVER-PROTECT] Banned user: g3
[SERVER-PROTECT] Banned user: g4
[SERVER-PROTECT] Banned user: g5
[SERVER-PROTECT] Banned user: g6
~Working full leveling up about 90%.(When you level, and click on flashing icon, this show new archievement(s)!) and we see the skill icon!
~Added the "bank all" button in bank.Now working.
~Removed Options clicking, wasn't used anyway.
~New wild interface, (like the rs one)
~Read a newspaper(item id = 11169) and read updates!

~Optionclicking is back!the reel reason i removed it on latest version is because i had probs whit npc dialogues.Now fixed!
~the Player class is cleaned.
~Added explorer emote.
~Added Home teleport.Wich is from Bulby, but i fixed it ^-^
~Fixed my objectoption1, I had some Crash whit the old one.
~Now, in quest tab, when we click on archievement diary button, this show them.And in the archievement diary tab, when we click on the quest button, this show them back.
~Working on/off aid option/chat effects and mouse.(check the vid.)

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