Runescape pirata foi inicialmente baseado fora do meu projeto de servidor anterior, Oldschool Online. Oldschool elementos compartilhados on-line de SoulSplit, porque na época, eu era um desenvolvedor de ambos os servidores.
- Grand Exchange
- Flawless party room
- Lottery
- Dicing
- Multiple world support
- Cross-world player list support
- Cross-world clan chat (only in the World clan chat, currently)
- Flawless duel arena, with staking
- Flawless shopping system
- Flawless banking system, with searching.
- Flawless farming system
- PK leaderboards with kill/death ratios, etc
- Rank Icon changing system
- Flawless loyalty title system
- Flawless donator system
- Refined item definition system
- New skill interface, with perfect EXP to next level, etc.
- Event schedule system
- New character file system (credits to Lin for the format)
- Ingame item spawner GUI (was used for the Spawn version of Epicurus originally)
- Perfect curse system
- Weapon combination selection in duel arena
- Advanced MySQL system
- Special client ::brony mode